Painted Toadstool Plant Pot Tutorial

I am so pleased with the way my fairy houses turned out.

Hope you find this tutorial useful.

Materials Needed

Large Terracotta  Plant Pot
Large Terracotta  Plant Pot Stand
Small Terracotta  Plant Pot
Small Terracotta  Plant Pot Stand
White, Sage Green and Red Acrylic Paint
Brown, Black and Red Sharpie Markers
Yacht Varnish

Step 1: Paint the terracotta white.  I left the top of the pots terracotta to allow me to glue directly on to the pot, rather than the paint.

Step 2: On the small terracotta pot, i drew a door and windows.  To make the door look like a wooden door, i drew from the top of the door to the bottom in lines, i like the effect it created and added little black hinges and a door knob.  As they were going outside i did not want to stick on embellishments due the British weather being rainy, rainy with a tad more rain :)

ps. Make sure that the pot is upside down so that the large part is at the bottom to give it more stability.

I could not resist drawing little curtains in the windows. I thought that they finished the windows pretty sweetly.  If i were keeping these inside, i would have added glitter to the curtains.

Step 3: Next i added some grass and bushes around the door and round the back.

Step 4: I added some grass and bushes around the large plant pot to fit in with the woodland theme. Once again make sure that you work on the pot upside down.

Step 5: Turn the terracotta stands upside down and paint red, once dried paint white splodges on the stand to make them more realistic. (sorry I forgot to photograph this part)

Step 6: Once the paint is dried, varnish the pots and stands to waterproof them.

Step 7: Find a suitable place to show off your amazing creations.

I hope you liked this tutorial, if so please: 

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